Blog Post 3

Since the last blog post we have had a good number of new features and improvements to already existing features.  As we continue to develop the game we will have to adjust and fix and current bugs that may occur so please bear with any problems that may occur. These features are:

  • A playable demo for the first day objectives.
  • Some of the doors that were not supposed to open were able to be opened and now they are fixed.
  • The ability to transition between level 1, 2 and 3 while keeping the player’s inventory and the current objective.
  • Addition of item visuals such as the keycard, tools, and journal paper.
  • Added footstep sound effects and some echo sound effects.
  • Implemented 15 journal entries that showcase the lives of 5 different residents since their begin journey of the bunker.
  • Completion of level 2 and starting of day 2 objectives.
  • Added some text to objectives so that it is easier to understand what needs to be done.
  • Acquisition of sound assets to be added to the bunker to enhance the experience.
  • Making some of the doors that were unable to be opened that were supposed to be able to be opened is now possible.
  • Progress on making the doors opening in the opposite direction from the player when they are opening the door instead of possibly giving the player a concussion.
  • Writing of the script for the story of the bunker is underway and will be added at the earliest convenience.
  • Addition of 4 new propaganda posters that will be added to enhance player experience and feeling of the cold war era theme we hope you see.

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