Blog Post 2
Undermind » Devlog

- Created a simple Inventory UI that uses a string for the inventory.
- Also created a simplistic Inventory system that should be easy to understand and be able to added onto.
- To check for said item just reference the player and check for a specific string in the inventory array in the inventory component. To add to the inventory just right click on the Item_BP and create a child of the actor and change the string name inside of that actor.
- Added journal system like the inventory system. To add new journals create a new child of the Journal_BP and change the string inside of the new child. You will also need to create a new button and text in the journal menu Widget.
- Partial code into the save and load system currently implemented. Currently not loading saved progress. Will need to further look into it.
- Save Load system works. Load will not correctly spawn the character on the correct map but the items and journals saved to the character will be added to the player correctly. Needs to update the actual inventory to show the correct inventory. Also need to update the objective log when loading to show the player has the items and as well as remove items from the world if the player has said item.
- Objectives now update when the game is loaded.
- Items now get removed from the game that the player already has in inventory when the game gets loaded.
- bathrooms, bunk rooms, living rooms, kitchen and dining area done may make halls smaller just need to finish the privates rooms waiting on missing assets
Status | Released |
Authors | bwhitt, FervidFeline, superhobojoe, Jgirard |
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