A downloadable game

A space game that is inspired from the ZX spectrum color palette and from the games that were made on it.

You have found an abandoned space station. As a scavenger you are panning to salvage what you can from this space station in hopes for a hefty profit. Unfortunately for you the power to the gravity well has been altered so now you have an area is nothing but low gravity. You also noticed on the side of the station a logo for a genetic laboratory.

Hopefully there are no left over experiments left from the time this facility was active because if there are you are very underequipped to fight them and will have to avoid them at all costs. 

The Victory condition is to collect all 42 spherical data samples without losing all of your lives.

The Loss condition is losing all you lives.

Created by:

Billy Whitt

Sean O'Connor

James Roundtree-Soliz


Spectrum and Beyond.exe 44 MB